In conjunction with Malaysia’s Day, the Women’s Assembly Hall of China KL & Selangor (KLSCAH) will hold a cultural program on 23th August 2020 @ 2.00 pm. This program is organized by the Malaysian Muslim Chinese Association.
Cultural anthropologists who are active in social activities and misery in Malaysia Dr. Johari Yap has been invited to deliver a lecture in the program.
Every race and ethnic in Malaysia has a variety of different cultures, such as the difference in living customs and funeral stadiums and it is reasonable to be studied deeply and intensively. Therefore, KLSCAH Women hope that the hosting of the multiethnic ceremony introduction program in Malaysia can cultural integration and understanding between multi-race and ethnic.
Thus, KLSCAH women welcome Malaysian participation in such programs as those above. KLSCAH women also promote the contributions of public so that they can organize other activities that also color the cultural diversity and culture of Malaysian citizens in the future.
Donations can be distributed to KLSCAH bank accounts in the name of ′′ The K. L. & Sel. Chinese Assembly Hall ′′ (Public Bank Akuan No: 31777 84127).
Any questions can be asked to help the secretary of DPCKLS, sister Chua at 03-2274 6645.