
Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH) can be considered the parent founder of Chinese clan associations (Hui Kuan) in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. Before Huazong was founded, KLSCAH acted as the headquarters among Chinese associations across the nation.

KLSCAH, which belongs to the Chinese community also serves the country and its society and focuses on ensuring the voices within the Chinese community are heard while fighting for the benefits and rights of the community. KLSCAH’s membership is exclusively for entities/bodies from a selection of categories which includes charity organisations, regional organisations, fellowship organisations, sports clubs, cultural, education & youth organisation, education institution association, clan associations, industry & business associations as well as religious associations.

Organisation/ Institution Keypoints:
• Strengthen the relations among Chinese clan associations
• Facilitate activities organised by Chinese clan associations
• Uphold civil liberties
• Expressing voices within the Chinese community
• Promote Chinese culture
• Promote social welfare
• Improve national unity
• Strive for national prosperity


Objectives are based on the KLSCAH’s code of conduct, focusing mainly on expressing the voice within the Chinese community, upholding civil rights, promoting national unity as well as striving for national advancement. KLSCAH stands from a neutral standpoint to stand together with other Chinese associations with similar goals.

KLSCAH is located at the heart of the country’s political, economic, cultural and educational platform. Thus, KLSCAH is also the place of reference for other Chinese associations across the country indicating that it has a certain prestige and symbolism to uphold. Therefore, KLSCAH aims to implement the policies as stated during programs and while distributing portfolios to uphold our leadership position within society.


The objectives of each event must be clearly established as well as to fulfil the code of conduct of KLSCAH.
Each program/activity must be well planned and a postmortem to be conducted after each program/activity for improvements in future events.
In the event of more than one section organizing similar events, the said sections ought to work together to save resources and open for more participation.
Any small-scale, leadership or purpose-driven program/activities can be organised by members under the guidance of KLSCAH.
Programs and activities are distributed to members for planning by their abilities and capabilities. Members with similar abilities and capabilities shall collaborate in organizing an event.
Make full use of the human resources, infrastructure and university graduates to promote the study of civil rights to provide suggestions or solutions for the betterment of the society
While organizing any program/activity, consider the usage of resources to avoid any waste.
Prioritise training successors for Chinese associations and reformation of the associations
Promote reformation among the Chinese society using the suitable outreach method

KLSCAH’s portfolio consists of mainly socio-economic, cultural & educational, welfare, liaison, women, youth, civil rights and clan association matters. Each portfolio has a committee set up to take up related issues.

Social-Economic Committee
• To observe and study the influence of social-economic movement and policy towards the Chinese community.
• To raise awareness among members and the general public on socio-economic issues.

Cultural & Educational Committee
• To promote the unique culture of the Chinese community
• To uphold Chinese education
• To encourage cultural exchange

Welfare Committee
• To encourage social welfare works
• To increase welfare activity among the Chinese association

Liaison Committee
• To improve the relationships between KLSCAH and its grassroots associations
• To assist in the promotion of events and programs

• To raise social awareness and the well-being of women in the Chinese community
• To promote unity among women members in Chinese associations
• To promote interaction and collaboration between female-operated organisations

• To educate the youth on the idea of democracy
• To promote unity among Chinese youth organisations
• To promote interaction and collaboration between youth-operated organisations

Civil Rights Committee
• To raise awareness on the notion of civil rights and human rights based on the United Malaysian Chinese Association Declaration 1985

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