The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is raging and our country’s healthcare system is on the verge of collapse. Medical staff are exhausted, and they are determined to stand at the forefront to fight the virus. Some unfortunately have been infected and died while in service.

Recently, frontline nurses at Sungai Buloh Hospital and Labuan Hospital, Mugilarasi A/P Perumal and Siti Aishah Mohd Zamri respectively, unfortunately, have contracted and passed away of COVID-19 while on duty at their respective jobs.

The Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH) recently have allocated RM4,000, thereby donating RM2,000 each to the family members of the two nurses who died in service. They are sister of Mugilarasi, i.e. Lavania Malar A/P Perumal and younger brother of Siti Aishah, i.e. Mohd Nur Amin Bin Mohd Zamri.

Effects of COVID-19 has become more severe, and our frontline medical staff are taking the lead in fighting the pandemic at risk of contracting the virus themselves. KLSCAH hopes that family members of these nurses can mourn in peace. We express our deepest condolences together with these small donations towards both families.

JUNE 19, 2021

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