The Gabungan Bertindak Malaysia [GBM] a multi-ethnic, multi-faith, non-partisan Coalition of 25 NGOs is committed to the goal of Building a Better Malaysia.

Fully cognizant that the General Election 13 represents a historic crossroad in our Nation’s journey to become a viable and mature democratic polity;

We call upon all Political Parties:-

i.    To respect the People’s desire to have free, fair and clean elections and to uphold the principles and processes of democratic elections;  尊重人民想拥有自由、公平及干净选举以及捍卫民主选举原则及程序的向往;
ii.    To campaign on the basis of policies and programmes that will benefit the Rakyat and the Nation, and not on the basis of maligning each other; 以惠民利国政策及计划作为竞选手段,而非以互相诽谤的方式;
iii.    To pledge not to manipulate and exploit issues pertaining to religion, ethnicity, sexual-orientation and creed; and 宣誓不会操纵及利用宗教、种族、性别及信义议题;
iv.    To condemn and refrain from any acts of political violence. 谴责及避免任何政治暴力行为。

We call upon all Institutions of State:-

i.    To uphold the principles of impartiality and neutrality as enshrined in the Federal Constitution; 坚守相关机构的公正与中立,如同国家宪法所阐明那般;
ii.    To oversee and conduct the elections in an independent and non-partisan manner  as prescribed by the Constitution and legislation in force (Election Commission); 遵照宪法及法律规定,监督及确保大选在独立及非党派情况下进行(选举委员会);
iii.    To adhere to the highest standards of professionalism  in managing the affairs of the Nation during the ‘Interim government’ phase, and in assisting the Election Commission to manage the electoral processes (Public Services and Security Forces); 在“临时政府”时期,坚守专业管理标准,处理及执行国家事务,并协助选举委员会管理选举程序(公共服务及治安部队);
iv.    To uphold the cardinal principle of separation of powers in adjudicating on cases pertaining to the conduct and outcomes of the elections , without fear or favour (Judiciary); 坚守三权分立的原则,以无畏无惧及不偏不倚精神,审理针对大选过程与结果的案件(司法机构);
v.    To respect the verdict of the People and to ensure a peaceful transfer of power post GE 13. The formation of a new government(s) must adhere to the spirit and letter of the Federal Constitution and respective State Constitutions. 尊重多数人民的选择,并确保第十三届全国大选结束后的权力交接能够顺利及和平进行。一个新政府的成立须坚守联邦宪法与各州宪法的精神与法律。

We call upon the print and electronic Media to report on the elections in a fair and responsible manner and adhere to the highest standards of journalism as prescribed by the code of conduct of the profession.

We urge the People to exercise their constitutional right to vote responsibly, and to accept the verdict of the majority as prescribed under our system of parliamentary democracy.

Taking into cognisance, the doubts created in the minds of the people resulting from the on-going RCI hearings in Sabah, we call upon the EC to invite the United Nation and the Commonwealth accredited observers. We believe this will restore the confidence of the people in the free, fair and clean electoral process, as well as boost the image of Malaysia in the eyes of the world community.

Finally, we must be conscious that a functioning, viable democracy does not end with the election day. The people must take responsibility of our future and hold the government and political parties responsible to honour the promises made during the Elections. In this regard, GBM calls upon all stakeholders to engage in regular consultation to uphold our cherished democracy.

List of GBM 25 Organisation Members  马来西亚行动方略联盟25个团体成员:
1)    Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH) 吉隆坡暨雪兰莪中华大会堂
2)    Aliran 国民醒觉运动
3)    Tamil Foundation 淡米尔基金会
4)    Pertubuhan IKRAM Malaysia (IKRAM) 马来西亚回教革新理事会
5)    Majlis Perundingan Malaysia Agama Buddha; Krisitian; Hindu; Sikh dan Tao (MPMA-BKHST) 马来西亚五大宗教理事会
6)    Negeri Sembilan Chinese Assembly Hall (NSCAH) 森美兰中华大会堂
7)    Penang Chinese Town Hall (PGCTH)槟城华人大会堂
8)    The Federation of Chinese Associations Johore State (FCAJ) 柔佛中华总会
9)    Lim Lian Geok Cultural Development Centre (LLG) 林连玉基金
10)    United Chinese School Alumni Associations of Malaysia (UCSAAM)马来西亚华校校友会联合会总会
11)    Muslim Professionals Forum (MPF)穆斯林专业论坛
12)    Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) 人民之声
13)    Pusat Komunikasi Masyarakat (KOMAS) 社区传播中心
14)    Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM) 马来西亚之子
15)    Persatuan Masyarakat Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan (Permas) 雪隆社区协会
16)    National Indian Rights Action Team (NIAT) 全国印裔权益行动组织
17)    People’s Green Coalition (PGC)马来西亚人民绿色联盟
18)    Anak Muda Sarawak (AMS)砂拉越青年之子
19)    All Women’s Action Society (AWAM)妇女行动协会
20)    Partners in Community Organising (Pacos Trust)沙巴社区伙伴信托组织
21)    Persatuan Bekas Siswazah Universiti dan Kolej di China, Malaysia (Liu-Hua)马来西亚留华同学会
22)    Nanyang University Alumni Malaya (Nanda)马来亚南大校友会
23)    Japan Graduates Association, Malayia (JAGAM)马来西亚留日同学会
24)    Gabungan Persatuan Alumni Universiti Taiwan Malaysia (GPAUTM) 马来西亚留台校友会联合总会
25)    Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF) 回教复兴前线组织
